Hi, I’m currently on week 3 of the bridge. However, I think I may have been doing the GPP day incorrectly. For the 7 minutes AMRAP for rows or chins, do you set a timer for 7 minutes and then do as many reps as you can in submaximal sets until the 7 minutes is up (so there would be like 10 seconds between each set). Or do you set a timer for 7 minutes, do a submaximal set, pause the timer while you rest, and then resume it when you start your next submaximal set? Likewise, for the ab work. I can probably hold a plank for 30-60 seconds before it gets really difficult. I have been setting a 7 minute timer and then holding a plank for 30 seconds, resting for 30 seconds and so on until the 7 minutes is up. Is this correct, or should the 7 minutes be the actual time I am holding a plank altogether?
Thanks, if any of that makes sense!
Hello! Your question does make sense. The protocol is to set the timer for 7 min and let it run for your work and rest. No need to stop and restart the timer. You are correct with the sub-maximal sets, and as you continue to progress with GPP, you’ll aim to add reps to your total completed (or planks held) for the time.
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