Hello hi again.
I am currently done with Week 3 of PB I and after my last Squat I hurt my Groin (should be the english word for what I mean) so much so that there was no way to do another Squat session the following Monday…
So I skipped the Squat and proceeded with the rest of the Week as programmed. The Groin hurts when I am doing the arc for Benchpress but I can tolerate that pain.
I dont know but I cannot treally image to do a propper Squat tomorrow… so what would be the best thing to do?
I thought about seeing a doctor but what is he going to say… he ist 65 Years old and is probably going to advice to stopp Squating for the rest of my life
Do I just slowly increase the weight to a level that is tolerable pain-wise and hope for a recovery after x weeks?
Thanks as always for your awesome service