Hand Injury

Hi, I got a framing nail puncture in my palm a couple days ago, and its healing well enough. I went to train today though and the bar for bench sits right across where the puncture is making it very painful and also at risk of breaking it open again. Any tips for training chest around a hand injury like this? I tried shifting my grip farther into my fingers and that just hurts my wrists, feels unstable, and still feels like it’s threatening to pull open the wound. Squat and deadlift are fine though as the puncture is low in the palm. Thanks

You may need to temporarily choose alternative exercises for the area - things like push-ups/weighted push-ups/deficit push-ups, chest flies with dumbbells or cable machines, etc.

Sorry I should have mentioned context, I am on week 5 of powerlifting II. Does that influence what would be the best alternative?

Your symptoms and tolerance should be the main guiding factors here.

If I were in this situation I’d be doing the push-up variations described above, and potentially trying some machine chest press/overhead press movements, since the handles on those machines don’t require the same type of grip as a loaded barbell.

Perfect thank you. Managed to actually get a bench beside a low cable machine that closely mimics the bp motion as well that I am able to do due to different handles. Will try a few of your suggestions out and hope the healing goes quick so I can get back to regular bench. Thank you!