Training around a fractured radius.

Hi all,

I’m helping a friend of mine get started on LP, and 3 weeks in she broke her wrist (not training related). Good thing is she’s still motivated, and wants to train.

She cannot load the affected hand, is wearing a hard cast, and cannot grip anything. She CAN put pressure on the forearm, away from the wrist, without pain. This will be the case for at least the next 2 weeks.
She had not progressed enough to be comfortable using a 70lb SSB, so I figured the best option would be to sub squat with 3x10 leg press, and deadlifts with single arm KB deadlifts. And maybe throw in some leg extensions.

Any concerns with this, or quick suggestions you might have for someone in this situation?



That sucks - glad she’s still training though! I’d skip the leg extensions and focus on getting her leg press up ASAP, to the point where she can use the SSB. Single arm KB deadlifts aren’t going to be worth much. I might do some back extensions instead.

Thanks Austin. Will do.