Hello BBM coaches,
One month ago I fell while skiing and broke my left wrist, fracturing both radius and ulna. Initially my injury was treated conservatively with a plaster cast, but after a routine check they found my wrist was not healing well and a couple of days ago I had to undergo surgery to correct the malunion of the distal radius fracture.
My intention with this post is not to ask for a specific assessment of my case, but rather to ask for some general info and recommendations, since I consider you guys as a trustworthy source of information up to date with the latest evidence.
I would like to know for example if there are some tests I can do to understand if my wrist is ready to handle daily activities (e.g. cooking, driving a car) and/or to bear some weight to start training again. In two weeks my cast will be removed and I’ll wear a rigid brace.
I don’t want neither to rush the process nor to prolong it more than needed, infact I would like to be more aware of what I can and can’t do.
I’ll obviously seek for help from a physiotherapist in my country but still it would be awesome if I could educate myself on the subject.
Could you suggest me some readings like articles or papers?
Thanks in advance for your time.