Heeled shoe for deadlifting.

Just wondering where you stand on deadlifting in a heeled shoe or flat ?

Thanks in advance

It doesn’t really matter, other than you’ll probably lift less weight with a heeled shoe, as it alters balance point and contact patch for the center of pressure.

Here are things that using a heeled shoe don’t do:

  1. Use more quads, hamstrings, or any other muscle group
  2. Make you more virtuous of a human being
  3. Prevent foot injuries
  4. make you lift more weight

If you’re not a competitor then I don’t think it really matters outside of people making things up on the Internet.


Hi Jordan thanks for the answers just new to powerlifting style training always liked the look of it but couldn’t commit myself but now I have run SS LP and was going to go onto Texas method but been wanting to try bridge for a long time and glad I didwent really well best in gym lifts testing my 1RM was squat 180 bench 155 and deadlift in a healed shoe 220kg and OHP 80kg my height is 5’11 and I weight 83kg age 26 now just to make the jump and find a local powerlifting meet in the uk