Hey BBM Team,
recently I have seen a massive trend in powerlifting which is using a flat shoe over a heeled one for squatting.
why is this becoming a trend especially in top athletes within powerlifting ?
Is there any actual benefits/evidence for squatting in a flat shoe over a heeled shoe? And why would someone choose one over the other ?
as I’m sure squatting in a heeled shoe would only improve performance? And not actually make it worse which some now claim.
I use a heeled shoe (adipowers).
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I haven’t seen this trend, though some lifters prefer a flat shoe over a heeled shoe. It’s all personal preference and I wouldn’t expect a heeled (or flat shoe) to reliably improve performance across a population.
I also use adipowers. I see you’re a man of culture 
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Thanks Jordan.
The reason for my question was that I recall reading somewhere these are some of the reason you should squat in a heeled shoe
helps with ankle mobility
you do not loose power like you do when applying pressure through the sole of the shoe like you would with a flat shoe as the soles tend to be soft and easily compressed.
I also recall it saying something about how it’s also better to squat in a heeled shoe to do with the instep of the foot as if your barefooted or even using a flat shoe with no in step support the instep of the foot flattens under heavy loads and having a instep helps prevent this.
i Don’t know how these things help with strength etc all I know is I squat far better not necessarily stronger but I feel better squatting in a heeled shoe.
i know you have to take what you read on the internet with a pinch of salt was just wondering if you had any information you know about why a flat is better for some and heeled for others or is it really just personal preference?
though I love my adipowers I have the same ones as you just black but looking at the style of the new ones I think the ones we have look far better
I don’t think a flat or heeled shoe is necessarily better or worse for most lifters outside of personal preference. I think people just make up reasons to explain the world to themselves, but can’t really explain how they “know” something is true.