Good day ladies and gentlemen of the BBM team and interwebz community.
I will try to keep this concise and pertinent.
Stats/Training history;
31y/o Male
5’10" 260lb
~46" waist at umbilicus
~20" SVJ prior to excessive weight gain
Began highschool at 5’10" 195lb finished close to 250lb.
Football in the fall, rugby in the spring through highschool. Jacked around in the weight room throughout.
Rugby 6-9 months of the year most years ages 19-28. Jacked around in weight room during off seasons 1-3 months at a time some years. Weight fluctuated 195-245lb. Lots of binge drinking. Hit 195lb from 240lb through 60hr work weeks at labor intensive job+rugby and being 22y/o.
Haven’t played rugby in 2-3 years. Also moved from labor intensive jobs to xray tech 5 years ago and gained weight steadily to 270lb starting during x-ray school.
SSNLP done well November and December 2017, had been screwing around with it for a few months prior; missing workouts or weeks at a time leading up to December.
Work sets;
Squat: 175->305lb
Deads: 225->345lb
Press: 75->130lb
Bench: 125->210lb
(pressing movements suffered most from missed training)
Had to quit gym membership in January. Have not been training since. Have been practicing hitting macro totals/eating habits with MFP; maintenance with no training seems to be around 2500cal/day. I have consumed ALOT of BBM and SS articles/podcasts/forum responses/books in the last year.
Almost finished with garage gym build and will begin training again in earnest soon.
I plan to run SSLP for 8-12wks(depending on results), then to the bridge, then the GPP template. I want to ramp up conditioning/gpp throughout this process and eat at slight deficit.
Need to get under 40" waist(genetic predisposition to mixed dyslipidemia/hypertension).
Going to play rugby again, don’t want to break.
1.GPP starting 1x/week moving to 2x/week with LP. Is GPP per the Bridge a good choice with LP?
Have also been thinking about trying to manipulate rest times during LP to start building work capacity. What’s the shortest rest periods you would recommend? Is this even a useful consideration?(I used 3-5 minute rests on previous LP run, usually closer to 3)
I will be flipping a tire uphill for HIIT. I have a hill with various lengths/grades right across the street, should be able to find streches usable for 20-60 second efforts to the top as needed. I’m working under the impression flipping will be more concentric than eccentric and low impact. Plan to add a used treadmill for deadmills. Should I be looking for other conditioning modality options? LISS? I hate LISS.
Good/acceptable/lacking plan for weight loss? Any pitfalls I’m not seeing? Strength training has been my most useful compliance tool for nutrition.
Other thoughts on ramping up GPP over my LP run and first daliance with the Bridge or 7wk GPP if recommended before Bridge instead? I’ll reassess after those 3 “program blocks”.
Anyway to get the past newsletters? I’ve read mentions of the pressing plugins from previous newsletter and would like to see what else I’ve missed.