Off season rugby

my brother just ask for my advice in his off season training for the next rugby season (we are from the Southern Hemisphere). He wants to increase his strength but mainly to increase his mass. I know for mass he needs to be in an calorie surplus, so he will follow the “to be a beast” article muscle gain macros.
He has done the starting linear progression and the texas method last off season with the following numbers
BW 84 kg 23 years old
squat 160 kg 5 reps
bench bench 98 kg for 5 reps
deadlift 193 5 reps
Press 64 3 reps

he has 13 or 14 weeks to the start of the season. So i recommended the gpp hypertrophy and the bridge (i dont know which one he should run before)

are my recommendations okay?
what do you recommend for him?

I’d run the bridge twice and eat the foodzZz™