Almost 3 years ago I flipped the switch. I started a linear progression and got stronger than I’ve ever been in my entire life. I ate according to “to be a beast” fairly religiously. I tracked, weighed, scooped, and ate, and ate, and ate.
about a year ago I started getting sick of eating. It started out sick of rice, then I’d eat potatoes. Sick of potatoes, I’d eat pasta, and so forth. Then I got sick of eating meat. Tired of pork, tired of chicken. Ive bbq’d, roasted, braised, crock potted, pressure cooked, tried dozens and dozens of recipes.
add to all of this I just hate cooking.
I even bought I huge rib roast and cut it into ribeyes. I just can’t eat. To put this into proper perspective, if I was on death row, my last meal would be a ribeye, medium rare. Just bloody sick of eating in general.
ive resorted to protein powder 3 x per day, and hopefully get what I need from everything else. I’m not starving as I’m climbing back up in weight. I’m eating a lot of crap. (Cool ranch Doritos quite possibly the best food invented, ever). I’m even getting sick of Doritos.
I’m content with just taking protein powder and pounding back a pot of coffee every day. (Still love my fresh ground beans, and perculator…the ONLY way to make coffee).
I know how important nutrition is. I know it works I’m just unable to motivate.
‘’any ideas what to do? How can I jump start things? keep in mind I hate cooking, and I’m lazy.
should I just force myself to meal prep once a week? Should I keep the meals the same?
I was thinking,of a “human chow” ala puppy chow. Same thing all the time. Maybe something I can blend up and sip all day so it doesn’t seem like a chore?
im trying to wrap my head around the idea that nutrition is just part of the process along with sleep. I’m an athlete of aging.
‘’any pointers?
never in my life did I ever think I’d have a problem with eating.