Help, I hate eating!

Almost 3 years ago I flipped the switch. I started a linear progression and got stronger than I’ve ever been in my entire life. I ate according to “to be a beast” fairly religiously. I tracked, weighed, scooped, and ate, and ate, and ate.

about a year ago I started getting sick of eating. It started out sick of rice, then I’d eat potatoes. Sick of potatoes, I’d eat pasta, and so forth. Then I got sick of eating meat. Tired of pork, tired of chicken. Ive bbq’d, roasted, braised, crock potted, pressure cooked, tried dozens and dozens of recipes.

add to all of this I just hate cooking.

I even bought I huge rib roast and cut it into ribeyes. I just can’t eat. To put this into proper perspective, if I was on death row, my last meal would be a ribeye, medium rare. Just bloody sick of eating in general.

ive resorted to protein powder 3 x per day, and hopefully get what I need from everything else. I’m not starving as I’m climbing back up in weight. I’m eating a lot of crap. (Cool ranch Doritos quite possibly the best food invented, ever). I’m even getting sick of Doritos.

I’m content with just taking protein powder and pounding back a pot of coffee every day. (Still love my fresh ground beans, and perculator…the ONLY way to make coffee).

I know how important nutrition is. I know it works I’m just unable to motivate.

‘’any ideas what to do? How can I jump start things? keep in mind I hate cooking, and I’m lazy.

should I just force myself to meal prep once a week? Should I keep the meals the same?

I was thinking,of a “human chow” ala puppy chow. Same thing all the time. Maybe something I can blend up and sip all day so it doesn’t seem like a chore?

im trying to wrap my head around the idea that nutrition is just part of the process along with sleep. I’m an athlete of aging.

‘’any pointers?

never in my life did I ever think I’d have a problem with eating.

O and F,

What’s your current weight and waist? Also, what are you doing for training at this time? Finally, are you not hungry or not interested in eating, though hungry?


Current weight is 258-260. My lowest was 240 when I had the diet “dialed in”. Waist is +40”.

I currently train 3 x a week strength training, about an hour and a bit each session. No cardio. I’m trying but I really hate doing it. Not a great excuse, I know.

I’m generally not hungry, and not interested in eating. I wake up early (the older I get the less I sleep) and I’ve never been able to eat right after I wake up.

so I throw the coffee on, pound back a few cups until workout time. I’ll force down some,oatmeal, and a scoop of whey not because I’m hungry, but because I need the fuel.

im so lazy that even microwaving oats is a pain. I used to drink a carb/protein drink before the workout. It went down easy but they no longer make it. Was thinking of maltodextrin, and protein in a shaker cup.

after lifting I eat some eggs, and dry toast, or pan fried potatoes, again not because I’m hungry, but because I “have to”.

O and F,

Thanks for the reply. I think this is a good position to be in actually, as not being hungry is likely to be beneficial for weight loss. I’d estimate that you probably need to lose ~60lbs or so over the next 6-10 months. To balance that with supporting your training- through the lens of behavioral modification- I’d encourage you to try to come up with a few sources of protein that you are willing to eat. From your posts, it looks like you can do whey and eggs. Would you be willing to do Greek Yogurt and/or chicken? If so, I think that’s totally fine. The idea would be to have 3-4 meals per day with ~ 40g of protein per meal.

Next, we’d do the same thing with carbohydrates.I absolutely would not be in support of you using maltodextrin, as I’d just prefer you to be in a larger deficit. Rather, are there any fruits and vegetables that you’d be willing to eat? It looks like you’ll eat potatoes, oatmeal, and toast, which should cover you from a carbohydrate standpoint. I’d prefer to get a few servings of fruits and veggies in there based on your preferences.

Ultimately, I think that hunger is a complex experience. Certainly, on the biological inputs towards hunger is the amount of adipose tissue someone has stored up. Individuals with higher stores should be less hungry as an adaptive mechanism. That said, in much of the population this input is overridden by psychological, social, and environmental inputs.

In short, I wouldn’t be worried too much here PROVIDED this isn’t due to a bout of depression or something like that.

If you need specific guidance from a professional, I think that would be reasonable too :slight_smile:


While you mentioned a dislike for cooking, setting aside a specific time each week for meal prep can be incredibly helpful. Prepare larger batches of meals that you enjoy and portion them out for the week. This way, you won’t have to cook every day. Even if you choose a simpler diet, try to incorporate a variety of foods to ensure you get a broad spectrum of nutrients. This can help combat the monotony of eating the same thing every day. Your idea of a “human chow” is interesting. You can consider nutrient-dense smoothies or shakes that include fruits, vegetables, protein powder, and other essential nutrients. This way, you can sip on your nutrition throughout the day, making it less of a chore.