Hip Shift in DL and pain in hip

Hello Doctors,

I have had a hunch that my hips were doing something funny during DL but I never really took a video on DL from behind until now. What I found by reviewing the footage is that my hips shift to the left when I pull off the floor. I am pretty sure this is contributing to right hip pain. I don’t really have a solid idea of how to fix this issue other than deloading a bunch and trying to be mindful of my positioning.

Thanks for your help and sorry that I keep posting on here so often,

How do you know that the hip shift is “causing” your pain vs. it hurting for some other reason and you’re just naturally shifting away from the painful side?

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The pain is not noticeable during a set, so I would think that would rule out subconscious shifting.

If it doesn’t hurt to pull at all, I’m not sure I can attribute your discomfort to this observation.

If you want to fix the shift, it’s probably just a matter of deliberate practice with someone cueing you if needed.