Inflammation on the inside of my elbow after pull-ups/curls

Apologies in advance if my question format is bad.

After doing pull-ups I began to notice mild irritation/inflammation on the inside of my right elbow. I proceeded to continue my workouts and noticed the pain/inflammation would get worse as time went on. I didn’t notice any pain during bench or shoulder press. The pain was never so bad that I couldn’t complete exercises, but it was VERY noticeable. I began to notice my inner elbow would hurt holding extremely light objects with my arm extended. I took a several week hiatus from curls/pull-ups and the pain subsided and went away almost completely. I started going back to the gym and tried very light sets of curls and just a few pull-ups, after two sessions I began to notice VERY slight irritation in my inner elbow, nothing I’d worry about if I hadn’t experienced prior pain the that same area, but I did and now I’m concerned, did I just not take enough time for my elbow to fully recover or is this something I should go in and get checked out(obviously trying to avoid this because of the expense)?

Hey Acras, sorry to hear about the elbow issue. If you’ve not suffered a recent acute trauma to the area, then my radar for joint compromise/instability and ligament issues goes way down. Given it is sensitized with active movement and loading - good chance this is a muscular/tendinous issue. Although the rest seems intuitively correct - it often isn’t the best course of action. Instead you need to find appropriate loading of the area you can tolerate and slowly titrate up. It is ok if you experience symptoms in the area as long as they are tolerable (specific to you) and don’t leave you feeling debilitated afterwards. If you need help with load management and programming - we’d be happy to consult with you.