Jbourde Training Log

Hi Everyone,

My name is James and I am currently running The Beginner Prescription. I have been lifting on and off for the past few years and usually use Starting Strength programming. I will often run the NLP and get to a 275-300 lb squat and then by that time I am so burned out I just stop lifting all together.

Then after a break I will run the NLP again and expect a different result. It is very frustrating and I feel that I am just going in circles, scared to do anything other than NLP. A friend of mine recommended Barbell Medicine and that is why I am now going to give The Beginner Prescription a try. I am new to RPE and my lifts are no where near were I was a few years ago but I am looking forward to the program!

My goals are to build more muscle and size while hopefully setting some new PR’s.

Week 1 Day 1 - Wednesday May 1st 2024
185lbs x4 @RPE 6
205lbs x4 @RPE 7
215lbs x4 @RPE 8

Bench Press
95lbs x10 @RPE 6
135lbs x10 @RPE 7
155lbs x10 @RPE 8

225lbs x5 @RPE 8 - supposed to have done 8 reps

I really enjoyed the program today, I have a lot to learn about RPE but I felt like Day 1 was a good start. I was a little bit conservative on some of my weights but I am still figuring it out. My squat at 215lbs was more like an RPE 6 or 7. I definitely had more in the tank which is good.

One thing that I realized is that I have no cardio and I am under trained as the sets of 10 and 8 reps killed me. I couldn’t figure out how to deadlift 8 reps lol and was out of time so I just did 225lbs and called it a day. I will have to figure out how to deadlift for so many reps.

Week 1 Day 1 - Friday January 3rd 2025
155lbs x4 @RPE 6
165lbs x4 @RPE 7
170lbs x4 @RPE 8

Overhead Press
50lbs x10 @RPE 6
55lbs x10 @RPE 7
60lbs x10 @RPE 8

135lbs x8 @RPE 6
140lbs x8 @RPE 7
145lbs x8 @RPE 8

Week 1 Day 2 - Sunday January 5th 2025
Bench Press
135lbs x4 @RPE 6
145lbs x4 @RPE 7
155lbs x4 @RPE 8

135lbs x7 @RPE 6
155lbs x7 @RPE 7
165lbs x7 @RPE 8

Barbell Row
95lbs x10 @RPE 6
100lbs x10 @RPE 7
105lbs x10 @RPE 8

Back to logging after some layoffs. I am looking forward to running this whole program and seeing where I end up after the 3 Phases. I am starting off probably undershooting my RPE but that is okay. I would rather start lighter than too heavy.

Squats for 7 reps felt pretty good and same with my Bench Press.

Week 1 Day 3 - Tuesday January 7th 2025
185lbs x4 @RPE 6
205lbs x4 @RPE 7
225lbs x4 @RPE 8

Overhead Press
65lbs x8 @RPE 6
70lbs x8 @RPE 7
75lbs x8 @RPE 8

95lbs x10 @RPE 6
100lbs x10 @RPE 7
115lbs x10 @RPE 8

Week 1 is done. Felt good overall. Definitely undershot some RPE but again just want to get used to the different rep ranges and doing more sets.

Looking forward to week 2.

Week 2 Day 1 - Thursday January 9th 2025
185 lbs x4 @RPE 6
195 lbs x4 @RPE 7
205 lbs x4 @RPE 8 x2

Overhead Press
65 lbs x10 @RPE 6
70 lbs x10 @RPE 7
75 lbs x10 @RPE 8 x2

135 lbs x8 @RPE 6
145 lbs x8 @RPE 7
155 lbs x8 @RPE 8

Had to start week 2 off a bit earlier then I wanted to but I had a rest day yesterday and I am feeling good because my weights were pretty low for week 1.

Today i got my squat to 205 lbs which still felt light at rpe 8 so I think i have lots of room to keep improving.

I am really enjoying the program so far. It is nice using rpe as a measure for setting your working set weights.

I did 185 lbs which felt like a decent rpe 6 and then based on that it is easy to program the rpe 7 and 8.

Also its nice working in various rep ranges other than Fahves…

Week 2 Day 2 - Sunday January 12th 2025
Bench Press
145 lbs x4 @RPE 6
155 lbs x4 @RPE 7
160 lbs x4 @RPE 8 x2

135 lbs x7 @RPE 6
155 lbs x7 @RPE 7
170 lbs x7 @RPE 8 x2

I thought I would put this down here as well. I have trained in BJJ for a long time with some large periods of inactivity as well.

It was something I used to be very passionate about.

Well MMA as a whole for a period was my life but now that I am getting older and have kids i dont have the same drive for the sport anymore.

Over the past 2 years in particular i have developed more passion for lifting weights and getting strong.

My goals now are more dedicated towards improving my lifts, setting new PR’s and building muscle.

Having said all that i have been contiuning to train BJJ on Mondays. I go once a week and it has been fine.

Another problem with BJJ especially at my gym is that the sessions are pretty intense and we spar hard so the RPE for most sessions is like a 9 lol.

Due to this I am going once a week as more of a skill maintenance. I just dont have the time or passion to go more and again like I said my goals are more geared towards lifting.

I still enjoy BJJ and going once a week surprisingly keeps my skills sharp enough for a guy who is a 35 year old blue belt with two kids… at this stage of life that is more than good enough for me.

Week 2 Day 3 - Tuesday January 14th 2025
185 lbs x4 @RPE 6
210 lbs x4 @RPE 7
230 lbs x4 @RPE 8 x2

Overhead Press
65 lbs x8 @RPE 6
70 lbs x8 @RPE 7
85 lbs x8 @RPE 8 x2

100 lbs x10 @RPE 6
115 lbs x10 @RPE 7
120 lbs x10 @RPE 8 x2

Due to my work schedule I have been trying to run this program on a friday, sunday, tuesday schedule.

It just works easier to lift predominantly on weekends versus trying to do the traditional monday, wednesday, friday schedule.

The work week is busier and has more unknowns in it. So this set up works well for now.

Week 3 Day 1 - Thursday January 16th 2025
185 lbs x4 @RPE 6
195 lbs x4 @RPE 7
210 lbs x4 @RPE 8 x2

Overhead Press
70 lbs x10 @RPE 6
75 lbs x10 @RPE 7
85 lbs x10 @RPE 8 x2

135 lbs x8 @RPE 6
155 lbs x8 @RPE 7
165 lbs x8 @RPE 8

Ideally i would have done this workout tomorrow but i basically have no time tomorrow so I had to start day 1 of week 3 today. Not ideal but better than missing days.

Lifts felt fine today however i was running out of time so i did 3 sets of deadlifts instead of the 4 which the program had.

Good workout though and I am really enjoying this template. I would recommend it for sure.

Week 3 Day 2 - Sunday January 19th 2025

Bench Press
150 lbs x4 @RPE 6
160 lbs x4 @RPE 7
170 lbs x4 @RPE 8 x2 sets

155 lbs x7 @RPE 6
160 lbs x7 @RPE 7
175 lbs x7 @RPE 8 x2 sets

Dumbell Row
10 lbs x10 @RPE 6
30 lbs x10 @RPE 7 x2 sets

Workout was feeling pretty nice today. My bench at 170 lbs felt light, as did my 7 rep squats today at 175 lbs. Definetley still undershooting my rpe’s and I feel like my work capacity for all these working sets is improving.

I think I have had nice progress since week 1.

Week 3 Day 3 - Tuesday January 21st 2025
185 lbs x4 @RPE 6
215 lbs x4 @RPE 7
235 lbs x4 @RPE 8 x2

Overhead Press
70 lbs x8 @RPE 6
75 lbs x8 @RPE 7
90 lbs x8 @RPE 8 x2

105 lbs x10 @RPE 6
115 lbs x10 @RPE 7
135lbs x10 @RPE 8 x2

Week 4 Day 1 - Friday January 24th 2025
185 lbs x4 @RPE 6
205 lbs x4 @RPE 7
225 lbs x4 @RPE 8 x2

Overhead Press
65 lbs x10 @RPE 6
75 lbs x10 @RPE 7
80 lbs x10 @RPE 8 x2

135 lbs x8 @RPE 6
155 lbs x8 @RPE 7
175 lbs x8 @RPE 8

Week 4 Day 2 - Sunday January 26th 2025

Bench Press
155 lbs x4 @RPE 6
165 lbs x4 @RPE 7
175 lbs x4 @RPE 8 x3 sets

160 lbs x7 @RPE 6
185 lbs x7 @RPE 7
225 lbs x7 @RPE 8 x2 sets

Completed day 2 of week 4 of the Beginner Template today. When i started the workout on the app i was surprised to see another set for the bench press added in.

So that was 5 total working sets for Bench Press today! I love how this program is set up.

After Bench, I moved onto squatting and again I felt great. Pushed 225 lbs for both rpe 8 sets. I filmed the lifts and the 7 reps all moving smoothly.

Overall thing’s are feeling pretty damn good.

Week 4 Day 3 - Tuesday January 28th 2025
205 lbs x4 @RPE 6
225 lbs x4 @RPE 7
245 lbs x4 @RPE 8 x2

Overhead Press
75 lbs x8 @RPE 6
80 lbs x8 @RPE 7
95 lbs x8 @RPE 8 x2

115 lbs x10 @RPE 6
135 lbs x10 @RPE 7
155 lbs x10 @RPE 8 x2

That was my last workout for Phase 1 week 4. I feel that I am still making progress and will be continuing on with Phase 1 for atleast a few more weeks.

Week 4.2 Day 1 - Sunday February 2nd 2025

Overhead Press
65 lbs x10 @RPE 6
80 lbs x10 @RPE 7
85 lbs x10 @RPE 8 x2

I hurt my knee grappling a few days ago so for the next week it is likely going to be Upper body lifts only. Atleast until my knee losens up and i can get into a squat position again.

I am optimistic that my knee will improve soon though.

Week 4.2 Day 2 - Wednesday February 5th 2025

Bench Press
155 lbs x4 @RPE 6
175 lbs x4 @RPE 7
185 lbs x4 @RPE 8 x3 sets

Lots of volume on the bench today. Felt pretty good overall. My knee is feeling better as well so I should be back to some light squats and deadlifts soon!