Hi Everyone,
I finished my LP on 3rd June. My numbers were 165 kg x5 reps on squat, 182,5 kg x5 reps on deadlift, 72 kg x5 reps on press and 105 kg x5 reps on bench. During entire training cycle I had no knee issues. My squat workouts were always 3x5 worksets. After last training session, I decided to take 1 week off to recover my mind and body. On June 13th I did my first training session after break. I did 130 kg for 5x5. Squats felt comfortable and I didn’t have any pain in my knees. Next day morning I squatted down to pick something and felt pain in my right knee. It hurts in squat regardless of weight, above and around the patella, more on lateral side. I have no pain with walking. It hurts the most when there is 90 degree angle between tibia and thigh. Normal rebound squats hurt as well as holding this 90 degree position in pause squat/wall sit. It hurts also when I sit on chair with 90 degree angle between tibia and thigh and apply force to the ground. When angle becomes more closed, it hurts less. I tried to continue my training with box squats, but due to no decrease in pain level, this week I switched to only one lower body lift, which I can do 100% pain free, which is deadlift from 7 cm block (in normal deadlift starting position hurts a little). I don’t want to irritate it more. What should I do to make my knee healing process efficient and return to heavy squatting as soon as possible ? I’m 26, 87 kg. Linked video of my last squat set before pain started.
Thanks a lot !