Knee injury - Sudden onset of pain, couldn't finish squatting.

After 1 @ 8 and my 4 @ 8, I experienced pain in my left knee that was higher than the usual discomfort. Just moving into position for my next set of 4 caused the pain to return enough to where I did not complete my 3 back off sets. I did complete my bench as well as the deadlift portion of my workout.

Just for background info, I am 51 years old, 160lbs I squatted 245 for my 1 @ 8, and completed my 4 @ 8 at 225. I recently completed HLM and am on the 3rd week of the bridge. I run a couple of miles (2-3) on my off days (2-3x/wk).

My plan is to give this a couple of days for the pain to subside then return to the bar to see what kind of weight I can handle. Not wanting to push it to quickly but also want to return to building strength. Any advice you have would be greatly appreciated!!

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Thanks Austin, I think I’m on the right track!