Lean Bulking Macros

Good Morning BBM!

When the strength community is talking about quote on quote lean bulking they mention that excess calories generally come from carbs or fats. I tend to be low fat higher carb with an excess coming from protein. Normal example would be 200-225 protein 250-300 carb and 25-50 fat. My BW is 150. Is this a disadvantage or does it matter?


Can you explain how you get to pick where your excess calories are coming from?

Just off the cuff, I think your dietary fat is too low.

That’s a good point…Lets talk fat. Do you have any articles, YouTube videos’ that talk about fat (essential and non-essential) and its importance to strength training? I have a general understanding of the importance of proteins and carbs but the fats elude me.

Nope, but your dietary fat is a bit too low. Also, the range you listed is very wide. I’d plan on hitting 50g of fat a day minimum and adjust other things based on your results. Finally, no real benefits to eating more than ~150g of protein a day for you in this context.