Lean mass when bulking

Hi Dr.'s,

I’ve previously heard Jordan mention that when cutting, one would, on average, expect approximately 25% of lean body mass loss in the process.

I’m 5’11, 175 lbs with 15% BF and 39 years old.

I know this is a rough estimate and depends on the timeline, caloric intake, nutrition and MPS, intensity of programming, etc. However, is there is similar approximate muscle:fat ratio to shoot for when increasing body weight? I’m trying to balance the rate of extra pounds with a reasonable muscle:fat ratio if possible.

It may be obvious that I don’t know much about this stuff, I’ve typically found it hard to gain weight, and I’ve always just really looked at the scale to monitor progress rather than considering the changes in muscle mass although it appears that as I’m getting older, and maybe a little smarter, I’m finding it a tad easier to gain and retain some weight (used to hover around 150 lbs so progress has been made). :slight_smile: Also it is really after I started listening to you that I’ve seen a real difference in my BW and lifting, including discovering the fun in the sport, so thank you.


Hey Pieter,

I don’t have as clear of a picture on how it goes when gaining weight, mainly because it appears to be influenced by so many things.

Keep an eye on your waist, BW, and performance and adjust from there.

Thanks for the kind words!
