Learning the RPE


I have just begun the bridge program and noticed that there are multiples of last sets I. E. (squat 5@6,5@7,5@8x2

Taking into account the “perceived” part of rpe should the last two sets be the same weight or the second set can be lowered a bit in intensity thinking that it would get closer to rpe 9-10 instead of 8 after the first set.

Just need a confirmation to better understand the rpe.

Thank you in advance

Welcome! We have some great threads on this topic here, but in short-it depends. For many people, on many training days, you will be able to repeat a set @8 and still stay close to that 8-8.5 range However if your RPE creeps up, especially if you have more than two sets to do, you can take a bit of weight off the bar if needed to stay closer to 8.

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