Im considering lifting shoes, right now i lift in asic running shoes with no real issues. I do wear an over the counter arch support to prevent plantar fascitis flair ups. Im 53, 5’10, 205 pounds.current best doubles are 390 deadlift, 290 squat, 240 bench and 155 press. My question what are the benefits of lifting shoes and what would you recommend. Thanks for any help you can provide.
We’ve addressed this a ton before, so I’ll bump this one down to the unmoderated training forum and let our community help you out.
I’d suggest the Adidas Powerlift as a great first lifting shoe. Inexpensive, stable, and has a slightly lower heel compared to other oly shoes (Romaleo, Adipower, etc) - which should make the transition to lifting shoes from running shoes a bit easier.
Can help getting the knees foward if you have ankle mobility limitations, aswell most squat shoes are sterdy, so your foot will be way more stable than a a little soft gel or cousion you get in running shoes, one because of the material, two because of straps. I have a wide foot, so I like my dowins, but what I would recommend is looking up shoes that fit your profile ( wide or narrow) and checking the reviews from that category.
Power Perfects 3
I agree 100%
Does anyone has experience with these new Adidas Crazy Power (the PL one, obviously - apparently there is a Crossfit variation)?
To the OP, this may also provide some understanding:
Since you wear ASICS wich are on the wide side of running shoes, I can recommend the Rogue DoWins. They are relatively inexpensive, fairly comfortable and run wide. I wear ASICS 2E width for comparison.
I’d second the recommendation of Adidas Powerlifts as the best general purpose training shoe to start with. The heel is low enough that you can pretty comfortably deadlift in them, but is high enough to make squatting more pleasant. My girlfriend has a pair and loves them. You just have to be careful with sizing, since they run a bit narrow.
I have a pair of Reebok legacy lifters and they’re very comfortable for wider feet, and extremely well built. I love them for squatting, pressing and benching, but the heel is higher and I prefer to deadlift in flats.
Jordan actually reviews a bunch of lifting shoes here
I have the Adidas Power Perfect 2s. They are still avaiable from Adidas in the UK.
All of you DL in flat shoes, or anyone uses PL shoes?
Flat shoes. Vivobarefoot shoes with the laces undone so basically barefoot.
Hello to all lovers of running, and just people who love sports shoes. Today I will tell you how you can please yourself by buying good and high-quality shoes for a low price. Let’s start with the background of how I got acquainted with this site. I used to run very often on rough terrain and my shoes often wore out and in the end I decided to find something newer and better. I found very cool models but I didn’t have any information about these sneakers and I found great reviews at In the end, I was still able to choose cool models for myself.
If you have wide feet, go with Reebok Legacy Lifters with mesh. Only lifting shoe my wide forefeet would fit in. Frequently are discounted on the Reebok site.
Recently, my grandmother was also diagnosed with fasciitis. And of course, it is very important to choose the right comfortable shoes. One of our doctor friends advised me to try lifting shoes. Grandmother was very interested in this, and she decided to try to order such sneakers. We started looking for a good site with quality shoes and found…eet-men-women/ and tried to order. And I can say that my grandmother liked it, the pain began to recede, and the insoles were very high quality and comfortable. So if you have fasciitis, I recommend trying lifting shoes.