I recently downloaded the bridge and I’m looking forward to getting stuck into it. The main problem I have is that I’m currently being treated for shoulder impingement which means that any pressing movements are out of the question for now.
Ive experiences no problems with either squats or deadlifts so should I run the program and just leave out the upper body pressing movements ?
Also will the deadlifts cause and issues ? Again they feel fine when I’m performing them but I don’t want to prolong my recovery or make things worse.
Any advise will be greatly received.
How are you currently being treated?
Why are “all pressing movements out of the question”?
You should be fine to squat and deadlift, and can certainly run the program that way if you’d like.
Firstly thanks for the reply.
I’m receiving massage and manipulation from a osteopath on a weekly basis and managing the pain with ibuprofen gel. I’ve been given stretches to perform as my pecs and lats are extremely tight which is possibly what’s lead to the problem but because I left it a few weeks before I sought help the tightness could be a result of the injury not the cause.I have been given the all clear for light exercise but I wasn’t sure if I should or how to implement the presses. I could start with just a light bar (our gym has a 15kg bar) and simply perform the sets but use the RPE scale as an indicator of pain. If the pain gets to a 6 then stop if it doesn’t add 2.5 kg next time. I’m not sure what to do for the best ? I want to train but I don’t want to do anything that could prolong the problem or make it worse. That’s why I thought I should just leave the pressing out. What’s your view ? Would the light work aid the rehabilitation or hinder it ?
None of this is useful or relevant for treating rotator cuff syndrome.
I doubt any of this perceived “tightness” is relevant here, either.
Education and exercise are more useful for rehabilitation than any of this other stuff you’re receiving.
I’d recommend listening to our podcasts on pain and injury, and either try to get some coaching or post form checks of your presses on our FB page. It sounds to me like you’re terrified that symptom exacerbation would be reflective of making the issue “worse”, which is not necessarily true. Look up Adam Meakins’ work on shoulder rehab.
Thanks for the reply. I will certainly check out your podcasts, which is something I was intending on doing. Once I get running with the program I will film some of my lifts for a form check. Like most people I think my form is good but it doesn’t hurt to have an expert eye look it over.
I will also look into Adam Meakins.
Thanks again for taking the time to reply. I’m sure you are a very busy man so I really appreciate your help and advice. Off to do my research.
I’ve gone through the checklist you mentioned in the pain and injury video and it got me thinking about a possible cause for my current problem. I’ve assessed what I was doing around the time I first noticed it and what I may have been doing differently. The only change I made to what I have been doing for many years was the introduction of low bar squats. I did these for approximately 4 weeks but every time I did then my shoulder felt really bad. I would sometime struggle to get from under the bar after I finished a set because the shoulders were so sore (not a muscle soreness you associate with working a muscle but just down right painful). This is why I stopped doing them and reverted back to high bar. At that time I was doing a 3 day a week full body A/B type workout. A workout Squat, bench,row. B workout deadlift press, pull-ups. At the time I changed back to high bar squat I also changed to different program with a lot more volume and a higher intensity. I went from a 3x5 type workout with possibly the final set being taken near failure to one where you work up to a 1 RM then drop the weight to 75% and do 3 sets to failure. The new program was also 4 days a week so my shoulders and chest were both trained in this fashion twice a week. I’m wondering if the low bar squat caused a minor injury which may have resolved itself in time but by changing to the different program I made things worse ?
In your view does this sound reasonable. Could the low bar squat caused an issue made worse by a poor training program ? If so is impingement the real issue or could it be something else?
I treat impingement syndrome on a daily basis. The properly done press and bench press shouldn’t contribute to impingement. The problem comes when form is off, like elbows not in proper abduction in bench (and I speak from personal experience, here). Also with the press, the elbow position is critical. So, in my opinion, you can train through impingement, because these compound exercises are just what the rotator cuff muscles need to perform well. Now, dips may be a different story…
Thanks for replying Doc,
I have had issues with dips in the past and I was doing them as an accessory exercise around the time the shoulder problem began but I never felt any discomfort when doing them or even after doing them. I think my set up for the low bar squat was the problem. Maybe the bar was too low and it somehow caused a shoulder issue ?
I’m going to do as said on the podcast and find a weight I can perform the exercises with without feeling pain and work my way up from there. With the reduction in intensity and the lower pressing volume I’m hopeful the problem will sorts itself out. With luck sooner rather than later because I need a good nights sleep. Every time I roll over in bed the pain wakes me up because I sleep on my arm. No sleep, low calories and pain make me a grumpy boy.
Adam Meakins is giving a 2 day seminar in September literally 10 miles from where I live but I’m unable to go. Would have been interesting but oh well such is life.
I’m a Sports Physio and can talk from personal experience. Currently 48 yo and running Bridge second time through.
-I have had long-term left shoulder issues with pressing of any sort, pull-ups or throwing due to a left shoulder problem stemming back to contact sport in my teens/early 20’s. prior to Bridge was doing floor/hex press, lots of row, traditional cuff rehab with cables, bands etc and had difficulty sleeping on left side due to shoulder pain. Self diagnosed with A-C jt pain plus impingement type symptoms.
- I had also done 1 year of split squat or front squat due to back pain from low-bar back squatting when running 5-3-1 out of LP.
Went to Jordan and Tom’'s workshop in Sydney and have run Bridge straight out of that. Take homes:
- Low bar back squat was extremely uncomfortable for both shoulders, now still tight but not uncomfortable and correct hand/arm position has tightened up my squat technique
- Correct grip, elbow position and general technique for bench press plus the variations in the bridge have me now almost pressing my bodyweight which I wouldn’t have done since playing Rugby league almost 30 years ago
- Correct grip, elbow position and technique likewise for overhead press has helped me progress e1RM consistently for 8 weeks, this is essentially my novice LP for the press as I have avoided this for decades. Zero shoulder pain in last 13 weeks of running Bridge and stopped all the accessory floor pressing, rowing etc except for Bridge programming
- Pissed that I stopped novice LP as soon as my weakest lift (OHP) plateaued and switched to 5-3-1, I then went too hard on low bar squat with inadequate technique and hurt my back twice, avoided back squat for almost 2 years since, now feel nicely confident with low bar and haven’t done front or split squat for months.
PS also saw Meakins present in Sydney this year, good commonsense advice. Heartening to see evidence based advice using current pain science and rehab evidence out there from people like Meakins and BBM.
Thanks, Matt!
Sorry Matt for not replying to you comments but nothing showed up in my notifications so I didn’t see it until today.
I’ve been following the Bridge exactly as described and I have had almost no problems with my shoulder during press or bench. Once I warm up I don’t feel any discomfort until maybe my last rep of my final set. I’m still having problems with sleeping but I’m slowly getting used to sleeping in a different position.
I’ve had no issues with squats or deadlifts but I will try and video a few sets of the 4 main lifts and upload for a form check.
I know its early days yet but I have noticed my CGBP e1RM hasn’t improved but as the program goes on the additional volume should help with that. I’m not to worried as I have always been a poor presser.