Long-Term Template Progression for

Hi there!

About a year ago I met a guy at my gym who was receiving personal coaching from BBM, and I’ve been lurking since. I’ve filled out the intake form showing my interest in personal coaching, but depending on availability and cost I’m also looking at picking up several templates to run over the course of the next year.

I’m 33, 5’8, 175lbs with a 34" waist and have spent the better part of my 20s training in some modality. My waist was smaller prior to the quarantine and stopping jiu-jitsu ;-).

At one point I reached a 435 1RM Deadlift, 375 1RM Squat, and 275 1RM Bench at 170 lbs. Nothing stellar, but I did put my time in. More recently I’ve been training high frequency full body with dumbbells during the quarantine, and prior to that trained Judo/Jiu-Jitsu for 8 years. Testing my 5RM this week after not touching a barbell for a few years I’ve managed to still squat 265 x 5, deadlift 300 x 5, and Bench 195 x 5, but I had suffered a grade 2 shoulder separation in the past.

These days I have 90 minutes 4-6 days a week to train, but am hoping to start up Jiu-jitsu again once it is safe to do so. My current goals aren’t specific. Whereas in the past I would chase strength, I find myself now wanting to look like I lift, have some level of conditioning, and a general base of strength while not feeling awful every day. In essence, I want to look good, but have a strength and conditioning base that can carry over to the mat and other sports.

Any suggestions on which templates to cycle?

Thank you in advance.


Thanks for the post :slight_smile:

I think General S/C I or Powerbuilding I would be your best bet here given your history and goals. I think you could cycle them for a bit, though at some point they will either need to be modified to reflect your developing training needs or swapped out for different templates.

Hopefully that helps!


Thank you so much for the response. You’ve echoed my sentiments and seem to have a good bead on the exact templates I was looking at. It’s been years, but I ran through SSLP, spent about a year on 5/3/1, have gone through PHUL, 6 days PPL, and the like, but always ended up spinning my wheels. I’m looking forward to pursuing intelligently programmed progressions!