I would love some suggestions for someone with hyper mobility.
I am hyper mobile in certain joints and that make things, well, difficult and I have been having a really hard time finding good exercises to stabilize my joints or know what else to do about it.
Wrists: pretty much all Bodyweight work with my hands holding my weight gives me acute wrist pain and trying to “brace” my hand by pushing hard into the floor to hold my wrists slightly straighter is extremely fatiguing and doesn’t work well.
Ankles: I get ankle pain while running. resistance bands and balance work doesn’t seem to make a difference
Knees: this one is weird. Example of something that happened today: I was napping on the couch and when I went to get up, my left knee did not want to hold any sort of weight and I have to lift my whole leg and put it on the floor carefully. I had a secondary spasm when putting too much weight on the knee and I almost fell over. I fear that I slept on it “wrong” and the knee joint became off centre or something like that.
Back: I have been reading a lot about how pain can be created and perpetuated without any injury or problem, but my current theory is my low back pain is because I have (anterior) pelvic tilt and my back easily scrunches up and compresses itself. I have the most pain when lying on my back (I have to hold my hips down with my muscles otherwise it feels like my lower back arched way too much and it pinches) and toss and turn all night as there is no comfortable position. Driving a lot also causes pain for days after. I am trying my best with stretches and strengthening my abs, hams and glutes but I feel like this is not making any sort of headway. It feels like the only way to solve my pain is to push my hips down, consciously, 24/7 when I am sitting or walking or standing.
My current activitity level: I do barbell training 2-3 times a week on my own and otherwise work in a sedentary job.