Sorry for bad english:
Hey, Im having a low back pain for about 2-3 monthes, I described it in here:…-low-back-pain
so I wanna keep squatting and deadliftng in hope ill get back to the numbers before the pain startes - even if it gives me a really hard time right now.
Im just looking for a starting point to the lifts that from there I could slowly progress; last week I squatted and deadlift 50kgX5X3 and the pain just slightly increased so I thought that this is a good starting point. this week I squatted 55kg X5X3 and right after the training the pain increased to a point that I barly can walk…
My question is - should I expect to a linear prorgression? beacuse Iam frasurated that even 5kg jump was more that I could handle.
and how should I know if the starting point is to high or too low . beacause even with an empty bar there is slight pain - so how should I know what pain is OK to starts from and what pain is too much (from a recovery stand point).
Im really frasturated from this injury and just hoping that I could go back to train and progress from an actuall “heavy” lifts. I really love strengh training and this is really standing in my way.
would you recommand my to try the low back rehub programm?