Low Back Rehab Template Question

Just purchased the low back rehab template and excited to begin to get back to routine training.

Question on exercise selection - phase 1, week 1 and day 1 have have hip extensions listed for the first two rehab movements (in the app). Based on the instructions and template it looks like the prescription is extensions for rehab movement 1 and lunges for rehab movement 2. Which exercises are recommended? I’m assuming we’re not actually supposed to use Back Extensions for both rehab exercise 1 and 2?


Correct. The two rehab movements selected should be different. For the movements, you can pick from:

Goblet squat good mornings
hip extensions
back extensions
posterior medial taps
single-leg RDL
single-leg glute bridges
glute bridges
and so on.

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Got it, thanks! For further clarification – are they listed in descending order by most recommended?

Also - those two exercises should remain the same for all three days/every week for phase 1, correct? I chose extensions and lunges and so should it be extensions and lunches for days 1, 2 and 3 each week for phase 1?

No, no particular order. I would prefer the two exercises are the same for each day for phase 1, but if possible would use different exercises for each day. In other words, lots of variety in movements for a given week, but keep the movements the same week to week.