I am about to finish Week 1 of the Low Back Rehab Template and so far have found a lot more success than I thought with it, even my physiotherapist mentioned that my progress so far was very good after just one week. As a result, I feel ready to move onto phase 2 of the template however I am a little bit confused about a couple of things from the template:
Unfortunately, my gym does not have a glute-ham raise and hence have been trying to find some set-up alternatives for it. However, after doing a bit of research on the movement, I find that the Glute Ham Raise upon execution in some videos is very similar if not looks exactly the same as a Nordic Hamstring Curl. Whilst, I understand I can just do Good mornings instead, I really wanted to ask about whats the difference between the GHR and a Nordic Hamstring Curl and ultimately if I can do them in place of GHR provided I can tolerate the movement?
In my template, Day 2 Exercise 3 and the Supplementary exercises are the same exercise albeit differing rep schemes according to the week, is this on intended or is this a typo?
In the Excel’s spreadsheet tabs, my overview shows that Day 3 does not have any supplementary exercises but on the individual weeks tab (Week 4-8), there is a supplementary exercise for Day 3, should I follow the individual week tabs prescription or the overview.
Hey, thanks for purchasing the template and glad to hear it has helped you so far.
I’m fine with completing the nordic hamstring curls in place of GHR.
It’s just preset as such but can be adjusted under the exercise selection tab based on your needs.
Follow the individual weeks tab but since it’s supplemental movements, this means it is not a requirement for completion. You can also email support because I want to say we fixed this issue in an update but they’d know for sure.