Lower back (last time I’m ever gonna post about this)

Good afternoon, so I know you guys know about my back issues I’ve had for around 19 months now. My symptoms have developed from mainly a bad burning sensation in my lower back to a burning sensation that traces down my legs and at times I feel it in my toes. It can flare up even Doing a simple task like carrying laundry upstairs or opening my window and I am taking off college this next semester because of how it’s progressed and I quit my job awhile ago because this shit is terrible (cut training out recently to because it seems to always flare me up to). With how bad this is day in and day out it’s really making me not enjoy life at all because I can’t powerlift (or really do much in general) without my pain flaring up. Can’t sit for more than 5 minutes. My doctor wanted to do a new mri because of how my symptoms have progressed and it showed a 3mm bulge (original was only 1mm which didn’t mean much he said). I started doing research and read that a huge herniated disc is more likely to heal than a small one because your body “recognizes it more”. It is inflamed at all times and the only thing that has helped is naproxen. (I’m not taking it Currently). I know surgery is a last resort but this is affecting more than just my lifting and my daily life 24/7 and I’m now at the point where I’m gonna think about asking my orthopedic about it. I’m sorry if I have annoyed you guys with this post but this has been a struggle and I never expected this pain to last this long. I was a wrestler in high school and have had many other injuries or strains.that I have worked around or worked through but I haven’t really been able to with this.