Been following “To Be A Beast” guidelines for macros and currently have the goal to steadily increase carbs/fats to not have rapid weight gain. When Feigenbaum recommends increasing by 10-30g of carbs and 5-10g of fats does he mean to do both at the same time or adjust one at a time until you notice the weight increasing?
Also, with regards to fats, I tend to have lower fats during the day and “catch up” on that macro towards the end of the day. Usually I add cheese to my dinner to get to my goal. Is it ok to do this or is it “optimal” to better balance between all meals?
The only macronutrient you should worry about timing and tracking is protein, is you were on a deficit carbohydrate intake can come into play too. I wouldn’t worry about timing/tracking carbs and fats, I just let them go by feel, although I eat rather similar everyday (~145P/~350c/~95F).
I think the recommendation is to just increase either carbs or fats, or in other words aprox 100 calories.
Thanks! I know that I’m still battling the old way of thinking that probably stems from the random stuff I’ve read over the years on the internet like, “Don’t eat carbs before you go to bed b/c it will be stored as fat,” etc.
The thing that fascinates me, and Feigenbaum mentions this in his article, is that I am eating WAY more food (I’ve always been good about protein but shyed away from carbs and to some extent fats), and I’m not noticing much change in my weight but huge improvements in strength. It was almost uncomfortable how much I was eating - “Man, I’m going to balloon up!”
A follow-up question: when tracking weight increase/decrease, I’ve noticed a large fluctuation from day to day. Some days I will notice a higher weight, but over the course of a few days that will trend down…then back up. I assume this has to do with fluids,etc. How do I track true weight gain? Do I just identify a range (for me 198-201 or so) and when that range trends to 199-202, etc that’s when I know I’ve gained weight?
That method is fine for tracking weight. If you want to be really precise about it, you can you linear extrapolation to fine the slope of the best fit line of your data. Check out the file I attached.
-Log all of your date and weight information on the left
-Use the dropdown selectors in F26 and F27 to select the date range you want to analyze
The way I do it is weigh myself every morning upon waking after draining the lizard. Record said weight. Take a 7 day average on Fridays. Compare said average weight to prior week’s average weight. Is it up? Bonza, keep calories where they are and ride it for another week. When average weight stops increasing week on week (say for 2 to 3 straight weeks), increase calories by say 150-200. Does weight restart climbing? Yay! \o/ Rinse and repeat.
I have seen my weight fluctuate as much as 1.5kgs from one day to the next due to dinner the night before. Chinese dinner being saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalty will hold lots of water and coupled with a glass or two of wine… Whoo! It will take a couple of days or so to wash out, assuming a return to the normal eating plan. The opposite has happened too if I haven’t eaten enough or ate more in the morning and substantially less in the arvo and evening, although not to the same degree.