i’m currently on 12 week strength program. I train during my lunch time and i have around an hour to train, which is insufficient to get all of the work done for the day (usually 2/3 exercices). I either complete what i’m missing the next day (which will make a 3day/week program become 6day/week) and add the Gpp in that session or do it in the evening (same again, 3rd exercices + GPP).
I was wondering if
a) theres something wrong with doing it this way. i understand it’s better than not training but i was curious if loosing a rest day is a big deal since the stress of the previous day was lower. Total weekly volume stays the same.
b) if one option is better than the other. i’m kind of doing both right now, choosing depending on my schedule. It helps me to get my training done more consistently to have that freedom, but i would change things a bit if there was something fondamentally wrong with the way i’m handling it.
As always, thanks again for your help and for your great work.
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Ideally I would do all the work in a given day vs. splitting it up over 2 days and losing a rest day, but getting it in is better than not training!