Meet Prep check

Morning, BBM Crew!

I’m confused on how I should proceed. I signed up for my first meet on May 5 and have had a lot of life happen since I first signed up. I’m finding it difficult to make a regular training schedule, although I’m having much less trouble making 3 training sessions a week, for 60-75 minutes, max.

Other vital information about me:
33 y/o, 195 pounds, 5’9".

Comp lifts best gym lifts (in pounds)
Squat 325x1, 290x5
Bench 220x1, 202.5x5
Deadlift 360x1 (a very easy 1) 325x5

Also useful info: most recent Press session was 145x3x3 @8.

My previous training has been TM-ish or HLM-ish, based on recommendations from PPST and the usual suspects.
If I didn’t have a meet coming up I would think I would simply start the bridge or a similar intermediate program; however, with a meet coming up I fear changing too many things at one time.

Because I’m not expecting to do anything other than show up and have fun, and hopefully go 9/9, would this be a reasonable approach for the weeks leading up to meet week?

Day 1
Squat 1@8, take 15% off the bar then 5x4-5 sets
Close Grip Bench Press 8 reps x 4 sets
Chins AMRAP in 8 minutes

Day 2
Bench 1@8, take 15% off the bar then 5x5
2 count pause squat 4 reps x 3 sets
BB Row 8 reps x 4 sets

Day 3
Deadlift 1@8, take 20% off then 5x3-4 sets
Press 1@8, take 15% off the bar then 5x5
3-0-3 Tempo Squats 8x2-3 sets

The week of the meet:
Day 1
Squat 1 rep x 3 sets at opener, practicing all commands
Bench 1 rep x 3 sets at opener, practicing all commands
Deadlift 1 rep at last warm-up

Day 2
Squat 1 rep x 3 sets at last warm-up, practicing all commands
Bench 1 rep x 3 sets at last warm-up, practicing all commands

Day 3 - Meet

Any guidance is appreciated and thank you in advance!

You might find that 15% off the squat single for sets of 5 ends up being pretty heavy, and might need to adjust that percentage depending on how many sets you plan to do.

On the week of the meet, I tend to make the Day 1 workout involve much more benching (almost like a normal week’s training) and push a bit closer to the meet (so day 2 work up to opener on the bench, not just last warmup) before dropping the volume down on that lift. I’d probably also do a bit more on the squat on day 1 (but not as much as on the bench). The DL looks fine.

The rest looks reasonable. Good luck!