Hi BBM team on your programs I’ve noticed lots of use of myo reps now if someone was not keen on doing myo reps what would you prescribe instead ?
Why don’t you want to do myoreps? They’re very useful in certain contexts.
I personally do enjoy myo reps just wanted to know as I train with someone I find it harder to do the sets effectively in terms of if I do for example incline DB press max reps at a prescribed RPE 14 reps then rest 20 secs for 5x5 as one of us is waiting for the other to complete 6 sets in effect just wondering if you would prescribe an alternative ?
im also new to myo reps and was just wondering if you have a link to how and why to use myo reps so I could understand it better and the thinking behind it ?
Thanks in advance.
I would just do your entire myorep “set” while your training partner spots you and vice versa rather than switch back and forth.
Myoreps: myo-reps-in-english