I’m a 24 year old male. 181 lbs with a 35 inch waist just above the navel. I’m probably a bit above 20% body fat.
I’ve been gaining a lot of body fat as compared to strength recently in the last month and a half. I began Starting Strength Linear Progression at 165 lbs with a 31 inch waist.
Benchpress 215 3x5
OHP 127.5 3x5
Deadlift 315 1x5
Squat 295 3x5
These workouts are getting absolutely grueling and I’m struggling greatly to add any weight to the bar (even with microloads), especially with Benchpress and Squat. I think I can push my Deadlift and OHP a ways out, but I’m thinking about just switching over to some new programming.
Has anyone here ever jumped into one of the level 2 templates off of novice linear progression? Am I better served counting my blessings and going with The Bridge template for where I’m at right now?
Thank you for all the help!