Halfway through SSLP--should I switch to beginner or bridge?

Hey all, hoping I might get some thoughts on this question. I’ve made a few runs at SSLP over the years (with rather long fallow periods in between), starting from being a skinny weakling at 30 to now being somewhat bigger and stronger and able to stick with the LP for longer. Last year I got my squats up to 275x5x3 before life intervened and I laid off for a while. Started up again in July and am finally hitting PRs again in bench and press, while squat and dead have progressed more slowly because of a back injury I suffered in August (because of a bear encounter, which is not quite as awesome as it sounds but still actually pretty awesome). I’ve only gained a little weight this time around, really just a 5-pound jump right when I started taking creatine, so presumably it’s mostly water weight. Anyway, here are the numbers for this incarnation of the LP:

Age: 37
Height: 6’2"
Weight: ~207-212lb
Squat: 135-265
Bench: 105-155
Press: 65-112.5 (5 sets of 3)
Dead: 155-250 (I’ve temporarily dropped deads for the last 4 workouts in favor of RDLs because RDLs seem to help this nonsense that’s been going on in my back/right glute)

I’m still adding 5lbs to my squat every workout, although the bar is starting to move slower. I’d guess I would have at least a few weeks more of LP before squats stall. Press is in the neighborhood of stalling even at 5x3.

So, the question is, should I switch to the beginner template and see if I make progress on that for a while, or should I switch to the bridge given that I’m in the back half of the LP? Or should I go ahead and run out the LP (excluding heroic measures) for a few more weeks before switching to the bridge? Thoughts?

Thanks everybody, I look forward to hanging with a bunch of evidence-based iron junkies.

I’d do the Beginner Template. There’s a big difference in the way that volume is approached, and that should help you prepare for the other BBM templates.

I agree with ken on the beginner template. It sounds like LP is about to reach that grueling and less productive phase so swapping to the beginner template (probably going directly to the second phase) is a good idea.

Thanks for the replies! Sounds like there’s a consensus. Is the current thinking that people should just skip the bridge and go from beginner to one of the other templates? I guess I’ll find that out when I buy the full version of the beginner template…

Yeah, the purpose of the bridge when it was initially created was to “bridge” the gap between novice training and post-novice training. Mainly this has more to do with understanding programming and building work capacity. The beginner template is effectively the LP and the bridge combined as it teaches you how to understand more complex programming and builds more work capacity through the use of the three phases. After the end of the beginner template you would want to pick one of the level 1 programs for whatever goal you are interested in (hypertrophy, strength, etc.). For example, if you were interested in powerlifting, had just finished the beginner template, and had roughly 6 months until a competition you may want to run Powerbuilding 1 then strength 1.

Both programs will drive strength and hypertrophy. The Beginner Template, however, includes the use of auto-regulation (RPE), more volume (as not to specialize early in your lifting career), and modest conditioning days. The Beginner Template also permits the use of other exercises and puts you more control in the program in order to encourage adherence, especially in the long term. It is my understanding that the goal of the Beginner Template is to keep the lifter, lifting, for the long-term. Its thinking in terms of 10 years, not 4-6 months.

The inclusion of auto-regulation allows for more granular control over training intensity (load), changes in load/reps (volume) allows for a more well-rounded development of your overall fitness, and the inclusion of conditioning is, of course, healthy. The Beginner Template also does not demand the Power Clean because being able to “keep power production consistent with strength” is more or less bullshit.

I’d reach out in the Training Q/A to get Jordan or Austin’s guidance on making the transition should you choose to do so.

It sounds like your doing very well on SSLP. I would keep going until you are unable to do 3X5 on the squat. After you are unable to do this, I would switch to the bridge. As far as the press is concerned, I would go back to 3X5 and lower the weight. Just my opinion.

consensus: broken

Lol. ya I see where everyone is coming from. It just sounds like you did well on LP and you are nearly complete. I ran the bridge after LP and I think its a great progression.