New templates questions

Hello guys

Couple questions for the new templates and some off topic questions.

For pb 1 gen 2

  1. later during block 1 the top set rpe raises to at 4@9 but if it turns to be @8 should I add weight and try again or move to the backoff sets and increase their weight? My concern is if my top set turns to be @8 and do another set to hit @9 then it means that I’ve done 3 ramp up sets over 80% of 1rm plus the prescribed back off sets .

  2. for block 1 day 3 can I sub low incline bench for dumbell low incline bench/decline bench/dips?

  3. Do you think it’s a bad idea to practice calisthenic movements for core like standing ab wheel/dragon flags through progressions for couple of sets of 3-5 reps ? Im asking mainly because I can already do sets of 20+ reps for core exercises like kneeling ab wheel/knee raises etc and cant seem to be able to load them adequately.

  4. Right now Im dealing with a shoulder injury Ive got the hang of it but I cant press heavy vertically atm so Ill be skipping vertical pressing during this template. Will it make a noticeable difference?

For strength 1

  1. for block 1 day 1 can I sub close grip floor press for 2 board close grip bench press?

  2. for pin bench can i sub it for variations like 3ct pause bench or tempo bench variations?

Off topic

  1. I liked the addition of more conditioning for these new templates right now Im doing about 150-200 mins of conditioning around zone 1-2 for 45-60 mins at a time 3-4/wk do you think it’s better to spread the conditioning over more days per week or it doesnt matter?

  2. Hypertrophy 1/Powerbuilding 2 gen 2 templates coming out any soon? Looking forward to buy them :grinning:


Thanks for the post and welcome to the forum. To your questions:

  1. I would try and hit the top set @ 9. 3 or 4 ramp up sets is not concerning to me for too much volume, generally speaking.
  2. You are free to write in whatever exercises you like. That said, the exercises I suggest in the drop down menu and default selections are what I think work best.
  3. I don’t think dragon flags or similar progressions are likely a good use of training resources in this context. Would advise ab wheel roll outs (from toes, likely needing to be assisted to start), cable chops, strict toes to bar, etc. These are all choices under the drop down menu I’d advise.
  4. I would advise some inclusion of vertical pressing, even if it’s rehab-based, in order to make progress on this front. If you can otherwise train normally, I don’t predict many issues, save for perhaps some reduced bench pressing performance.
  5. Sure, if you want.
  6. Sure, if you want.
  7. I don’t think it really matters at this volume/volume load.
  8. Hypertrophy 1 comes out this week. No timeline yet on PB 2, but it will get updated too :slight_smile: