No Bench Beginner Template

Hey BBM crew,

I purchased the beginner template, which I would like to run now, after completing the SSLP (coming back from a long injury break).
However, I currently lack the possibility to bench (i.e. horizontal presses) due to very limited space available.

How can I effectively substitute the bench press with the standing overhead press in this program? Will the RPE and rep schemes remain the same? Should I include exercise varations?

Current goals: General fitness and getting my waist down.

Best Regards,

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Yes, I’d just replace the press for the bench and keep the rest the same. Exercise variations become more of an option to you in phases 2 and 3.

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Next week I’ll be starting with phase 2 of the beginner template. As stated before, I’m training without a bench.

As press movements I’ve chosen “Weighted Push-ups”, “Paused Overhead Press @forehead” and “Standing Overhead Press”.

How would you distribute these three exercises to the different rep-slots (4reps, 8reps & 10reps)?