Hey BBM,
I recently moved to the Netherlands to study and as a student, i dont have a lot of money to spend on food. Chicken is decently expensive here and i dont think i can eat alot of it everyday. My plan is to get my protein from 200g uncooked chicken ,protein powder and ofc protein from carb sources like oatmeal and rice.
I am currently 155lbs , going to bulk now,and i made a meal plan for getting at least 180g of protein and 35g of fiber per day. 5 meals per day with around 30-40g of protein per meal. I think everything seems fine execpt for breakfast i only have 20g of protein. So my questions are the following:
Will i see a noticable different having more animal soource protein or am i overthinking this?
Will i see a noticable difference if i have more protein for breakfast?