Novice Needing Advice

Good Afternoon,

I’m a novice lifter, I’ve been running StrongLifts 5x5 for 4 weeks now and I came across you guys. Very impressed with the wealth of knowledge on this site and across other platforms. Anyway, I’m looking for long term programming advice. I can definitely see where StrongLifts is lacking on the conditioning front and overemphasis on squatting. My goals are probably equally strength and physique, although I don’t want to be a pro bodybuilder or powerlifter or anything like that. Should I continue my linear progression until I stall then run The Bridge or just go ahead and switch to your Beginner template? After that, would Powerbuilder be the best fit given my goals? Appreciate your help!

thanks for the kind words!

I would run our Beginner Template now and after you’re done with that, run one of our Powerbuilding templates. I don’t think you need to run the Bridge in that scenario.