I am currently on phase 1 of the beginner template and am 166cm, 140lbs, 35 inch waist measurement, male. My question is: would it be detrimental to my muscle gain if I were to attempt a recomposition and only eat around 1800kcals a day (my maintenance is around 2200) or would it be a lot better to maintain weight. I feel uncomfortable at my current body fat, but the sticky FAQ states that I should maintain weight if I am between 20%-30% bf. If you do not think it would affect my muscle gain a lot, which weight/ waist would you recommend cutting down to before starting a lean bulk? Thanks in advance for your time, and thanks for the templates.
I would probably recommend losing weight slowly or maintaining as you become more trained, since it’s likely your body composition will improve if you do.
Thanks for the response! I’ll aim to lose around 1lb/week in the short term and then maintain in the longer term.
Is 1.6g/kg sufficient protein when in a slight defecit?
It’s the Nutrition FAQ made by Serack. Under the skinny fat subsection:
If your body fat is > 20% but under 30%, I would aim to maintain weight and do a proper Novice Linear Progression.