Had my last session of SSLP last night. It was pretty brutal. My numbers are not very impressive, but I’m stronger than I’ve been in the past. I’ve been running the BBM Bench and Press Plugin for the past two weeks or so.
Age: 27
Height: 5’11"
Weight: 260 lbs
35% body fat as measured by laser eyeball
Squat: 245x5x3 (Did 250lbs for 5 last night, but failed after one rep on set 2)
Press: 140x1,125x4x8
Bench: 170x1, 140x5x5
Rows: 140x5x3
Deadlift: 245x5x1
These numbers are a lot lower than I hoped they would be by the end of my LP, but there’s no point in continuing the LP if it’s not working. I’ve been in a calorie deficit for the past 3 weeks in order to lose body fat, which I’m sure affected my numbers. Also, I capped my rest periods at 5 minutes, since any longer than that makes these training sessions too long for me to comply with.
I started StrongLifts 5x5 back in May when I weighed 250. I switched to 3x5 per Starting Strength at the beginning of August and was up to 265lbs. My son was born on August 19th, 4 weeks early, so we spent a week in the NICU with him and all-in-all I went 3 weeks without training. I started up again the second week in September. I foolishly didn’t deload, so I wasted a week at RPE 11 without being able to add weight to the bar. Around then is when I was introduced to BBM and also started a calorie deficit since I have a 50 inch waist (not good).
Anyway, I’m hoping that the increased volume on the Bridge 1.0 will help me improve my strength while losing weight. I’m also excited to try out the variations of the main lifts and am looking forward to the RPE-based approach so that my eyes aren’t bugging out of my head on every lift.
On to the Bridge!