Hey Barbell Medicine crew. Hopefully Long story short here. I ran my LP and then ran the birdge 1.0 twice during my last semester of school this past spring. Overall I had decent progress with everything I had going on and having to cut some days shorter or adjust weights for time constraints. I had a week of right before May 27th, and then had to leave town for some remote geology work in wyomming for 6 weeks. I get back home around July 8th or 9th. Shortly after getting back I should be starting a new job and wanted to sign up for group programming. While I’ve been here I havent been able to train anything other than conditioning really, there is no gym and our days are long and spent out in the field, and in the lab in the afternoon/night. When I ran the bridge I was 180-174lb at 5’6. If I had to guess I would say I weight about 172-165lb now, I was about 23%BF and im probably around 19-20 now. Now that background is out of the way, my question is should I do anything to get caught back up to my old numbers before I sign up( all in lb–SQ 345, BP 210, OH 140ish, DL385 conventional, 420 sumo), or should I sign up for the early intermediate programming as is. Thanks guys, can’t wait for some coaching!
I would just sign up, get on the programing, benefit from the coaching, and hopefully see some solid progress on your return!
Awesome, thank you!