Good Day,
i suffered from a “bulged disc” at L5-S1 as confirmed by my doctor and an MRI in January of 2018. The injury occurred during a WOD that included a high volume of deadlifts at 225 lbs. With rest and rehab following the injury i was able to get back to my normal training levels within about 8-12 weeks except purposely avoiding dead lifting for obvious reasons. part of it for me was mental since the injury occurred about midway during my pull from the ground and part of it was that i decided that risks of continued lower back injury were not worth the reward of pulling heavy weight from the ground.
Since then i have experienced at times quick “jolts” of lower back pain primarily in scenarios where my lower back is unexpectedly hyper extended. what i mean by unexpectedly is that there was no bracing in my core to prepare for the movement that may have put my back into hyper-extension. this could be something as simple as taking a step down onto an uneven surface and not being “ready” because the step was a little lower than you were expecting and it causes your back hyper-extend. hope that makes sense its a little tricky to explain but that is just one example.
Yesterday while performing a back squat during a warm-up set i felt this same pain to a greater degree coming out of the bottom of the squat and have been severely degraded since then. throbbing back pain, when lying on my back on the floor unable to to lift both legs at same time, pain walking, etc. clearly i aggravated the initial injury. i would say the experience was bout 70-80% as bad from a pain and debilitating perspective as the initial injury. 24 hours later at this writing, the pain is improving but I am no where near ready to return to activity. i should note that i do not now, and did not upon initial injury have any pain traveling down my legs and seems to be localized to that L5-S1 region.
My question to you is, what are your thoughts on why a back squat aggravated this injury so intensely and your thoughts on continuing to load weight on my back and train following this type of injury?
when i try to analyze what happened, it seems to me the most likely case is I ended up in the hole with my back in hyper-extended shape (butt cocked out).
i’m also worried about the mental effects this will have on my training because i experienced this pain right as i was ascending out of the hole and now it will always stick in my mind during a back squat that i could injure my back again. even with absolutely perfect form, does loading significant weight on your back continue to aggravate this injury over time?
thanks for any advice.
Btw, I am 40 year old male who has been barbell training for about 6-7 years.