Peaking in Low Fatigue Template

Hi Jordan/Austin,

I’m about to begin the peaking block of the low fatigue template and have a question. The final week has just squat, bench, and dl listed on 3 different days. Is this supposed to be the actual test week and you just filled those in or is it intended that you just do one lift a day and then test the next week? I think I remember reading on the accompanying PDF that you recommend doing openers 4 days out from a meet/test if I’m not mistaken, but am just a little confused by the last week of the template. Thanks in advance!

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The final week is a test week, not prep for a meet. So, yes you should be maxing on each of the three priority lifts on the last week on separate days.

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Hy! To bump into thread,
I will use low fatigue template into a meet. Is running week 15 and then leaving 2-3 day before meet viable option?