Questions about the Peaking Templates

I am afraid my previous post somehow got lost in the sea of new posts so I dare to post it again if you don`t mind:

First of all congrats on the great meet performances to Leah, Austin and Austin`s wife. Seems as if you guys understand something about programming :wink:

Secondly, thank you for putting out some nice peaking templates for free. Since I have little to no experience with peaking I would like to better understand how to determine whether I am a slow or fast peaking lifter. Unfortunately, I didn`t quite get the description.

  1. What do you mean by “perform very well under higher fatigue loads”?
  2. Also, I don`t understand how being a “quiet, reserved lifter who doesn’t use much hype during training” correlates to your ability to peak fast or slow. I, for example, would describe myself as a reserved lifter but on the other hand I rarely set PR’s during deload or low stress weeks. This suggests that I posses two traits pointing towards opposite peaking tendancies :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance


  1. It means exactly what is written, but said another way: A person who lifts near or above PR level weights without any sort of reduction in training volume, intensity, or frequency. Perhaps even an increase.

  2. Obviously those are general trends we’ve seen over time and it may be that you’re somewhere in between. That said, how often have you peaked, how do you deload (or program in general), and as a corollary- how reliable do you think your interpretation is? There are a lot of moving parts here, hence the generalities.

Thanks Jordan for your answers.

I think I got it. And of course you got a point as I don`t have much experience with peaking. Also, I don’t know how reliable my interpretation is I might very well be biased.


If i am running the 12 week strength program into a meet would i be better off using the template as written or use the template up until the 3 weeks out and use the peaking template to peak?