Pendlay in the Bridge 2.0

Haven’t been able to find a thread in the forums for this question so apologies if already been answered. Due to high levels off OCD why is the Pendlay Row placed in the S-B2 section of the Bridge 2.0, it’s messin with my heads. Is there enough correlation to warrant its place in the Press/Bench section how and why is this so? Cheers. Great program btw.

My OCD made me rename it in the HLM, haha. Since it’s recurring, it’s probably not a simple typo then.

Because it’s a bench & deadlift assistance.

Alan Thrall did a video recently about the row, and one thing he mentioned was if he was using it as a bench assistance he would do a bench grip width, and if he was using it as a deadlift assistance he would use deadlift grip width.