Peri-Rx: a couple more questions

Hi Jordan. I’m a huge fan of Peri-Rx. I have a couple questions on it though:

  • Do you strongly recommend taking it before and after a workout? (The product description only says before; the name of the product is the only thing that indicates something different).
  • With regard to taking it after the workout - how should that be timed around a post workout meal or protein shake?
  • I asked this before, but would appreciate a bit more insight: the product includes 4g leucine per serving. Based off of your nutrition content, wouldn’t this initiate MPS?

One more on a related topic: do you recommend taking protein via supplement more than once a day? (Assuming a person has adequate access to high-protein food throughout the day).

Thanks again!


Thanks for the post!

  1. Yes. I recommend taking it before and after. The product recommends the same with the exception of the caffeinated version, which recommends taking the non-caffeinated version post workout unless you want the caffeine.
  2. I would not take a protein shake post workout if using this supplement unless you’re using it as a meal replacement.
  3. Yes.
  4. If you need to consume more protein you can do so through shakes or more whole food. It doesn’t matter outside of total calories and adherence.


Sorry to keep coming back on this topic, but I’m still a bit unsure around meal timing wrt taking the supplement.

The way my day is structured, my meals just happen to come rather soon after workouts. (E.g. workout after work, come home to dinner).

Would you recommend not taking the second scoop and instead eating a meal? Or would you still have the second scoop and the meal at the same time?
Does taking Peri-Rx pre-workout (which, per the above initiates MPS) and eating post-workout mean that the protein content of the meal is wasted?
How long should I ideally wait to eat after the last scoop of Peri-Rx?

Thanks again!