Persistent Ankle Cracking

Hello from the UK BBM team!

I’ve had an issue for quite a while now with my right ankle persistently cracking/clicking. It occurs generally as I’m walking around, but in particular when I am walking up a staircase or slope. It’s been happening to an extent for years, but I’ve noticed it a lot more over the past year as though it may be getting more frequent.

I never feel any pain or discomfort due to it, but my ankle clicking on literally every step up my staircase does seem unusual.

I’m 23 years old, and have never broken or severely injured the ankle. The only time it has ever been subject to an injury is a sprain I suffered trampolining over 10 years ago as a kid.

There is a private foot-clinic (whatever the fancy term for that is) in my town, and I have been considering a visit. But I just wondered if you guys could weigh in before I go and they tell me I need 15 sessions of ankle massage at £50 a go. I’m British so I don’t like spending money. Borrowing my Nan’s Zimmerframe is always an option.

Many thanks!


Cheers Doctor B