Started physical therapy today. I forget what it was called that the doctor said was irritated (low right side of back/localized spot) but prescribed me some core exercises and a “nerve floss” exercise to start with. There’s no pain when I lift but I was a little confused on if I should continue lifting for now or not. Should I go ahead and keep lifting until I get clarity? If I do need to back off weights, would a body weight routine be good until I can lift heavy again?
Sorry to hear about this issue. Have you read this article yet? It provides a lot of our general guidance on this topic: Pain in Training: What To Do?
A consultation with our rehab team would be needed to give more individualized advice, but if you do not have any pain during (or after) lifting we would typically continue those activities. The dosage of activity (intensity of loads, volume, etc.) may need to be modified, but again it’s tough to give that level of specific advice based on a few sentences in a forum post. If needed, our team is available and happy to help.
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