I’m on week 4 of the Powerbuilding template and the last 2 weeks I’ve noticed that on deadlift day, I can do the first set of RPE 8, but have to drop the weight for the subsequent 2 sets to stay at an RPE of 8. Since the program is built around RPE, I guess I shouldn’t worry too much about it, but I am wondering if I need to rest more between sets (currently resting 3-4 min) or if there is anything else sinister going on vis-a-vis gains.
When I started the legacy hypertrophy program (very similar to power building) following the bridge 3.0 I had the same problem. I found it to be a combination of poor work capacity and poor low back recovery. By the last week I was adding extra sets @8 beyond what was prescribed. I would keep after it and see if things improve around week 7.
Thanks for the replies. I did the Bridge 1.0 and the hypertrophy template. I’ve had a lot of work-related stress lately, as well as travel and poor sleep. It could just be that. I’l keep after it and see how it goes.