Today I had a deadlift PR of 505. Gave it about 10 minutes or so and then went on for my press PR, was only able to get a terrible 5 pound Pr. I noticed after deadlift my lats felt burned out , and I really felt that when I tried to press , like I didn’t have any power. So my question is let’s say I PR for deadlift on a Thursday , could I take another day like maybe Tuesday or a Saturday to Try for the press so I’m fresher ?
Congrats on the PRs! A 5lb press PR might be pretty good too. But of course you can spread our your max attempts. This is a hobby, there are no rules precluding this, and you get to do things like that that might increase your training satisfaction.
Thanks Leah!
If I could add a related question:
Would there be any likely negative effect to the peaking process if I were to take this approach during week 13 of 12WS? And if not, would the best approach be do days 1 and 2 and then max days 3-5? Or would another approach likely be better? Or, like many things, would it not really matter?
Hmmm, I’m not sure how much it matters in life. :-), but that week 13 is certainly designed to peak you for a single day of max attempts. I would stick to that, or I’d change week 13 to simply a full week of testing (without that opener practice of days 1 and 2). But my preference if you’re doing that template, would be to run it with a more traditional peak and test.
Thanks, Leah!