Hey, All!
I’m new here and am planning to run one of the templates next month but I’m just not sure which one. A few details:
- I’m 34 yo, 200lbs (21% BF)
- been training for 6 years now (the first four years were fooling around with free programs that you’ll find on the internet and yo-yo dieting)
- have mediocre stats for lifts (SQ 275lb, BP 220lb, OHP 145lb, DL 410lb) for now
- also, do Kettlebell training in the evenings as a recharge/cardio (20-30 minutes) since I don’t have more than 60-90 minutes to spend at the gym (my current program usually take around that time, which I don’t really mind honestly)
- quite comfortable with training 5 days a week
I’ve never run the Novice LP and was planning to do that after I take a 3-week break next month. However, I’m not sure if I should. From the training age, I’m definitely past the novice phase (at least that’s what I think).
I like powerlifting-style programs that involve the big 4 lifts though I don’t plan to compete anytime soon.
Sorry for the long-winded intro, the challenge I face right now is understanding which program should I start with?
Please help!