If I never ran a Novice LP but have trained for years...

I’m trying to decide where to start with BBM. I’ve bought the 12 week strength template and downloaded The Bridge. I’ve trained consistently for a couple of years now on a 4-5 day program from the book Bigger Leaner Stronger (Mike Matthews) that was basically “bodypart days” - Monday Chest, Tuesday Back, etc.
I feel like the volume of a Novice LP is too low for me, but my numbers aren’t all that impressive.
B 200 x 5
S 245 x 5
D 290 x 5

I like to be in the gym 4-6 days a week, and I’m happy to do GPP type exercises. I’m equally focused on strength and gaining muscle mass.

I would love to get advice from the crew and any of the members here. Thank you all for reading this!

Based on this history, we don’t know if the NLP volume is too low for you If it’s actually more benching, press, squatting and Doing than you are doing now, you can do it for a shot time. And you can certainly run The Bridge now. I would do that prior to the 12 week strength template.